From now on, some fares may include additional charges for checked baggage. This will allow you to choose the option that best suits your needs and budget. Check the details before you travel to avoid surprises and better plan your baggage:
Personal item (Included)
It can be a purse, backpack, diaper bag, laptop bag or pack.
Carry-on baggage
You can take it with you in the aircraft cabin and place it in the overhead compartment.
Hold baggage
Check it in at the airport counter before going to the boarding lounge.
Carry-on baggage
Remember that if you do not include the baggage before arrival at the airport, you can purchase it and pay for it according to the counter rates defined by the airline at the time of check in.
Hold baggage
Remember that if you do not include the baggage before arrival at the airport, you can purchase it and pay for it according to the counter rates defined by the airline at the time of check in.
International baggage
Remember that if you do not include the baggage before arrival at the airport, you can purchase it and pay for it according to the counter rates defined by the airline at the time of check in.
General terms and conditions
Applies to all channels. Validity of the rate: from October 1 to October 31, 2024. This rate is per person and must be purchased by all persons in the reservation. To guarantee the service, it is mandatory to enter itineraries in Osiris at the time of booking. For land portion, the service must be requested to the product department by mail: